10 Tips for the Perfect Cup of Coffee
I love coffee, and I'll assume that if you're reading this, there is a good chance you do, too. But sometimes, it can be a labour of love—a moving target, if you will. Getting a perfect cup every time can sometimes be tricky, especially if you change the blends and beans you use, as I tend to do.
So, I thought it would be helpful to share some tips to ensure you're on the right track to a perfect cup of FiXX each time.
Read on to find out more.

Proper Storage
We'll start with a simple but vital step; keep your coffee stored properly. Coffee will maintain its freshness for longer if you limit its exposure to oxygen, moisture, light, and heat, so each step you take should be to mitigate these things. To start off, rule out light and heat by avoiding direct sunlight. No matter what the coffee is kept in, even the unopened bag, try to keep it in a cupboard.
Next, keep your coffee away from any sources of moisture, such as your kettle or stovetop. Finally, once you open your bag of coffee, store it in an airtight container. My go-to is the CoffeeGator bean canister. It's dark and perfectly airtight, which rules out oxygen, moisture, and light. Store it in a cool cupboard, and you've mitigated every danger. It's also got a date wheel to track its freshness further! A nice little touch, in my opinion.
Avoid Refrigeration
The fridge is no place for coffee. Ever. If you're reading this and there's a bag of coffee in your fridge, please stop and go take it out. I'll wait. Done? Great, let's move on and don't do it again!
Coffee will absorb any surrounding moisture and odours. So, if you've got a bag of coffee beside an onion, you'll soon be enjoying onion-flavoured coffee! And as much as I love onions, there is a time and a place. And my morning cup of coffee is neither of those things. It is possible to freeze coffee, but specific steps must be followed. If you're interested, I explain how to freeze with confidence in this blog about storage.

A Daily Grind?
Buying whole beans and grinding what you need when you need to is an excellent habit for many reasons.
- Whole beans will stay fresher for longer than pre-ground coffee. This is because ground coffee is made of tiny particles compared to beans. So, it will be affected by its exposure to oxygen faster.
- Grinding your own beans opens you up to the option of different brewers. You can also tweak your grind to get the most out of your coffee beans (more on that below).
- The smell of freshly ground coffee beans first thing in the morning is a joy we all deserve!
Grinders vary in price and ability wildly. But there are excellent entry-point options that will have you grinding in your kitchen in no time (no giggling at the back there, please!).

Grind Size Matters
While we're on the subject of grinding, ensure your grind size matches your brewing method. Grind size refers to the coarseness or fineness of ground coffee. Getting it right is one of the most critical elements when making a delicious cup of coffee.
If you want to know more about grind size, why it's essential, and how to find which best suits your brewer, check out this handy FiXX blog.

Understand Roast Levels
The example I like to use is a marshmallow on the campfire. A short time over the flame brings together a flavour sensation of the sweet marshmallow combined with caramelised sugar. The longer on the fire, the more those sugars will start to burn. You will still have the sweet marshmallow taste, but the intensity of the bitter, burnt sugar will accompany it.
So, generally speaking, the darker the roast, the more intense the taste. The lighter the roast, the more complex and nuanced the flavour. If a coffee is described as "strong," it usually means it's a dark roast. Your average espresso roast level will typically be anywhere from medium to dark. Nearly all Single Origin coffees, especially all FiXX Single Origin coffees, are light roast.
There's no right or wrong choice here. It's all about personal preference.

Follow a Recipe
Don't eyeball your measurements. You wouldn't if you were baking a cake, right? When brewing your favourite FiXX, use a digital scales or a good measuring spoon to know precisely how much coffee to water you're brewing.
A good, fit-all coffee-to-water ratio is 60g:1lt. Light roasts can go up to 65g:1lt, while dark roasts can go down to 55g of coffee to 1 litre of water. But don't be afraid to play around and find your perfect recipe.

Clean Your Equipment
Regularly clean your coffee maker and other equipment. Coffee is incredibly acidic and oily, and that oil can turn rancid over time. If you've got a brewer with a layer of brown at the bottom, that's not seasoning; it's not a frying pan. That's just gone off coffee residue. Luckily, FiXX also has a blog which helps explain the best way to keep your coffee brewer clean.

Preheat Everything
You've already boiled the kettle; pour some hot water on things before you get going. Preheating is a small step that makes a big difference in brewing coffee. Here's why:
- Temperature Stability: Preheating your brewing equipment (e.g., mug, V60, or French press) helps maintain optimal water temperature throughout brewing. Cold equipment can quickly cool the water, leading to under-extraction and a weaker flavour.
- Better Extraction: Keeping the temperature steady ensures the coffee extracts evenly, highlighting its full flavour profile and reducing the risk of sour or bitter notes.
- Better Experience: Preheated mugs or cups keep your coffee warm longer, so you can enjoy every sip without it going lukewarm too quickly.
- Paper Rinse: If your brewer uses paper filters, you should rinse them to remove any papery taste. Doing this with hot water to kill two birds with one hot stone.
By taking this step each time, you ensure a consistent brewing temperature—a vital step in unlocking your coffee's full flavour.

Find a Brewer That Suits You
There is a dizzying array of brewers out there, and they can all make a delicious cup of coffee. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many. Some are hands-on and have fantastic results; others are simpler but less consistent. We're all bound by certain time restraints in the morning. But you never need to sacrifice quality for convenience.
But how can I possibly choose from so many, you might ask yourself. Well, good news. We've got a handy blog to answer that question, too!

Keep it Black
There is nothing wrong with adding milk or sugar to your coffee, just as there is nothing wrong with buying a delicious steak, cooking it well done, and covering it in ketchup (you know who you are!).
Many darker espresso blends are specifically designed to pair well with milk. And a well-made cappuccino or flat white is a beautiful thing. However, if you've followed the above steps and brewed a delicious cup, try it black. You might be surprised.
In Conclusion
The number of variables when brewing coffee can be challenging to remember and control. But by following these tips, you give yourself every chance to get the best out of your favourite FiXX.
However, as I mentioned at the beginning, coffee can be a moving target. This gives you a bit of wriggle room to play with your brew to get the perfect cup that suits you. Remember, these are tips, not rules. Unless your coffee is still in the fridge! In fact, how have you read this far without rescuing your coffee from the fridge?! Consider that one a rule.
Thanks for reading.