Let's Keep it Clean
The year is 2022—the 21st Century. When I was young, I imagined we would be in flying cars and learning how to grow things on Mars. Instead, we are trying to convince people that the world is round...again! Swing and a miss.
Ah well, no one ever said progress was linear. And with that in mind, I thought, why not share some tips for cleaning your home coffee equipment. Because if we have learnt nothing else over the past few years (and let's be honest, some haven't), it is that keeping things clean is a good idea.
So, How do you Clean a...
French Press
- Half fill your cafetiere with water. Swirl around and pour the used coffee into a fine mesh or sieve. Don't scoop it out with a metal spoon, as it may scratch the glass. And don't tip it down the sink (unless you enjoy a good blocked drain).
- Unscrew the three parts of the plunger and rinse clean over the sieve. If needed, soak these parts overnight in a tub with one part white vinegar to four parts water. Or one cup of water with one teaspoon of baking soda. Rinse well before reassembling and using again.
- Once the sieve has drained, tip it into the compost/food waste bin.
- Clean the glass carafe with a long-handled soft brush in warm soapy water. If it is stained, sprinkle some baking soda on your brush as you clean. Rinse well after you do this and allow to air-dry or dry using a soft, lint-free cloth.
- You can also wash the carafe in a dishwasher.

Moka Pot
- Ensure the pot is cool before disassembling. Tip the spent coffee into your compost/food waste bin. Rise each part clean with warm water.
- Do not use detergents to wash if you have an aluminium model. You can use a mild detergent if you have a stainless steel pot.
- Do not use steel wools or abrasive products, as these will discolour or damage the pot's surface and its parts.
- Please do not put it in the dishwasher. Ever.
- Allow each part to dry entirely before reassembly to avoid oxidisation. Air-dry or dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.
- From time to time, discolouration or a white deposit may form inside the base. This might happen if you reassemble before drying. If it does, scrub with a soft dish brush in a 50/50 mixture of warm water and white vinegar to help remove stains. Rinse well, and remember to dry thoroughly.

- After use, unscrew the cap and pop out the spent coffee "puck" into your compost/food waste bin.
- Rinse the cap, along with the chamber with, warm water. And that's kind of it. Essentially, the AeroPress is self-cleaning, with the rubber seal working as a squidgy when in use.
- Occasionally though, remove the rubber seal and wash it inside and out with warm soapy water. Rinse well after you do this and allow to air-dry or dry using a soft, lint-free cloth.
- It is also dishwasher safe, so long as you put it on the top shelf.

- Once cool after use, simply wash the top half of the Chemex using warm soapy water. Using a soft-bristled brush with dishwashing liquid, you can clean the hard to reach bottom half. Rinse well after you do this and allow to air-dry or dry using a soft, lint-free cloth.
- The Chemex is also dishwasher safe. Just remove the wooden collar and make sure it is securely upright.
- Try this hack a for a Chemex with a well-loved/stained bottom half. With your Chemex at room temperature, fill the bottom with a hand full of ice. Next, add four teaspoons of salt, one tablespoon of water, and a tablespoon of lemon juice (optional).
- Swirl vigorously for one minute. The citric acid combined with the salty ice will scrub away the coffee stains, while the water keeps the salt from scratching the glass. Empty the contents and rinse well with cold water. Rinsing with hot/boiling water may cause the cold glass to crack!
- You can repeat this step as needed.

Filter Coffee Machine
- A for-purpose descaler might be the best option for whatever type of coffeemaker you have. You can find one here from Puly that will work on any coffeemaker. Just follow the on packet instructions. Alternatively, you can follow these tips.
- Fill the jug with a 50/50 ratio of white vinegar and cold water and empty it into your machines water chamber.
- Ensure the filter basket is empty. You can use a paper filter to catch any hard water deposits that come loose during the cycle.
- Switch on your machine and when half of the mixture has brewed through, turn the device off again. Leave the mixture to soak in your coffeemaker for a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of one hour. This gives the cleaning solution time to soften any build up inside the machine.
- Switch the machine back on to complete its cycle. Then discard the water and filter paper. Fill the jug with cold, clean water and brew at least two more cycles, or as needed, until the vinegar odour has gone.
- Your water carafe can be washed on the top shelf of a dishwasher. You can use the ice/salt/lemon hack in the Chemex section if it is well stained. Don't use a hard scrub or using anything else abrasive while cleaning your jug.
- You can clean a discoloured permanent filter by soaking it in a mixture of one teaspoon of baking soda to every one cup of water.
- As always, rinse everything with clean, cold water and allow to air-dry or dry with a soft, lint-free cloth before using it again.
Thanks for reading