What’s in a Name?
Our new visual identity and packaging has been in the market place for 6 months and we are delighted by all the positive feedback. A recurring question has been, how did we name the FiXX Family retail range?
...so here is the background.
FiXX CLASSIC: The word Classic can be defined as "the first or the highest quality", it can also relate to a standard model or guideline, and so it made sense to call our original FiXX blend the FiXX CLASSIC
FiXX CUBANO: We started our coffee journey in Cuba in 2004 and the company was originally called Cafe de Cuba, so this is a nod to our humble beginnings. We are proud to now feature coffees from all around the world but we will always have a soft spot for Cuban Coffee...
FiXX ORGANIC: Our proprietary blend of Organic Peruvian beans, which we added to our coffees in 2012 by working with small farmer co-ops in Peru. Peru is the world’s leading exporter of organic coffee and so the obvious choice of country to source from.
FiXX DECAF: Not everyone drinks coffee for the caffeine and not everyone can consume caffeine, so it is important to us to feature a really good decaf coffee option. As a Great Taste Award winning coffee, our Decaf blend does not compromise on taste and is created without the use of chemicals.
FiXX SINGLE ORIGIN: These coffees are our seasonal coffees and change each month. We name each individual coffee after the farm and the region we source from. (This year alone in our Single Origin coffees we have featured Kenya / Guatemala / Columbia / Sumatra and Costa Rica). The label on the bag stays the same indicating that it is a Single Origin Coffee - but the name tags change each month giving the exact details of the farm, the owner, the coffee type, the roast profile and any certifications such as organic or rainforest alliance if applicable.
When we changed the visual identity, we also saw it as an opportunity to add to our range of commercial blends.
We pondered on how to name the new additions. Do we name them by where they come from? But we were already doing that with our Single Origin coffees; so we decided on something a little different.
Visiting international cities intrigues me and especially observing the Cafe culture of a city. Meeting for coffee is a worldwide passion regardless of where one travels. So as a tribute to some of those cities with amazing cafe culture, we added the following
FiXX OSLO: The Norwegians are some of the highest consumers of quality coffee in the world
FiXX SEATTLE: Many of the city's inhabitants are coffee enthusiasts; the city is known for its prominent coffee culture and numerous coffeehouses
FiXX LISBON: A city that I not only visited but lived in and therefore enjoyed their cafe culture first hand
Why FiXX?
When conducting a focus group to discuss coffee and what role it played in the daily lives of people, the one word that I jotted down the most during the session was fix. It was used in so many contexts by the participants ( my daily fix, I need a fix, my coffee fix ...) that it became the obvious choice as the name for our coffee brand.
The word Fix on its own did not “look” right and so we added an X which did not distract from the meaning or the pronunciation but made the word in our opinion even stronger. By doing this it also allowed us to register it as a unique trademark and logo and therefore protect our brand.
Many have tried to copy what we do both in brand colours and in the brand name. As recent as August 2018 the owners of an international Hotel chain, who shall remain nameless!! , found it completely acceptable to use FiXX Coffee as the name for their cafe(s) without our permission. Our trademark registration forced the offenders, to stop and remove our name from their premises.
Brand names and product names are valuable, they are company assets, we will always protect and defend them - like we would members of any family and well... FiXX is our family!